Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This "My Life"

This is why we don't have a ton of furniture in our home because it would just get in the way of the indoor football games that my kids,husband and nephew enjoy so much. It brings great joy to them so I guess I can endure all sweat and running around that comes with indoor football. And as you can see Nathan has the upper hand in most of the plays.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ally,
It is sure fun to read and see your pictures you post. What a beautiful family...I remember those days in our hippie house, the boys were so young. They grow so fast, enjoy and keep up the beautiful work on the blog, it's a blessing to read, Michelle

The Parsons' blog said...

These pictures are cute. Good thing Dads are good sports and will play football! OK, it's time for an update my's been awhile! Tell us about life ;)