Saturday, December 27, 2008


Hi all it's been a long time sense I have put a post so I hope all is well with everyone. So a lot has happened sense my last post Thanksgiving came and went and as you can see we had a great time in Oregon. At least most of us enjoyed the fun activities like target practice, It may have been little to much for Nathan &Matthew but they warmed up to it.Then of course there was the big SNOW and for Friday Harbor it was a lot, It's always a mixed feeling for are family Bryan is out 80% of the time sanding road ways, so I guess I have been deemed the snow widow (ha ha ha). But the boys and I did find time to make a snowman I managed to get a picture just before Nathan tackled it he just couldn't resist. Then we had holiday hair cuts and for Byran it was all he could do to stay awake, I mean it he really was asleep for most of the hair cut,witch in the end there were some miner mistakes but nothing that can't grow back. And always my favorite games and reading with gram the boys had such a great time playing and reading with all the grown ups they could get there hands on. Bryan's parents were here for the holidays so it made it very special time for our family. Well just some of what has been going on in our neck of the woods hope every one had a great Christmas and a happy
New Year to come.

1 comment:

The Parsons' blog said...

Yay! You're back! Love all the pictures and the one of Bryan getting a hair cut is hilarious. Reminds me of my dad when my mom would cut his hair. Sean hasn't pulled that on me yet...then again, I can cut his hair pretty quick, not much left ;) ssshh, don't tell him I said that. He's got a full beard though right?! HA!