Thursday, September 11, 2008

The end of summer, and the start to fall

  • Nathan's first day of school preschool that is, He calls it "high school" we think that is pretty funny. Every day he goes right for the sand box that's his favorite for right now.
  • And to give a little wrap up to the summer we had a great soccer camp at our church it's a great out reach for the kids in our community and it gives us a chance to talk about Jesus. To share what he has done for our lives and what he can do for them if they will receive the gift he has freely given. Not to mention all the fun we had learning new soccer skills. Bryan was a coach and Dylan was one of the little ones running and kicking the ball around.I was a coach for I think one day but found I have other strengths so I found other ways to be helpful.
  • And lastly we had one last BBQ for labor day it was fun with all the trimmings, like cooking hot dogs and roasting marshmallows. We are happy to say are summer was full of fun joyful times together , We are excited to see what the Lord will have for us this Fall.

1 comment:

The Parsons' blog said...

Yay for a new post! Love it. The picture of you and Heather is hilarious, very cute. And I love how Nathan calls his pre-school, high school - funny! Jonah keeps asking to go to three-school :)