Saturday, September 13, 2008

Foot Ball! Foot Ball! Foot Ball!

This was almost a catch for Dylan, he is loving his flag football team this is his 2nd year and he really shines. He loves being a part of the team going to practice 2 times a week and having his dad be the funnest coach, Bryan helps when he can and makes things so much fun for all of them. We are having so much fun watching our kids grow up I know it's not the most popular thing to say but there are days when part of me can't wait to see my kids all grown up into the men that God has made them just to see all the good things he has for them, makes me very excited. But I guess there are more days that I get sad that they are getting so big so quick As you can see Nathan is just biding his time till he can get out there and run a play or two, But
watch out who ever is on the other team because if you see him on the line AND I'm sure that's where he'll be LOOK OUT! We love that are kids are so different one quiet and soft spoken and one that you can hear from a mile away and is the life of the party, God is so good he has blessed us with the best kids anyone could ask for.

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