Saturday, February 14, 2009

Oh! this bloggin thing.

Is blogging fun or not? That's the question for me at least. For most I would have to sat it is,but with a slow computer and slow girl it sometimes can be a bit overwhelming so I hope the parents in our lives enjoy when I do. Not a whole lot to say about the pics they speak for them selves. I guess I could squeeze in that my kids our pretty darn cute. And maybe I should say that the pic of D is at school when the pacific science center came to talk about blood and guts, What fun!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Hi all it's been a long time sense I have put a post so I hope all is well with everyone. So a lot has happened sense my last post Thanksgiving came and went and as you can see we had a great time in Oregon. At least most of us enjoyed the fun activities like target practice, It may have been little to much for Nathan &Matthew but they warmed up to it.Then of course there was the big SNOW and for Friday Harbor it was a lot, It's always a mixed feeling for are family Bryan is out 80% of the time sanding road ways, so I guess I have been deemed the snow widow (ha ha ha). But the boys and I did find time to make a snowman I managed to get a picture just before Nathan tackled it he just couldn't resist. Then we had holiday hair cuts and for Byran it was all he could do to stay awake, I mean it he really was asleep for most of the hair cut,witch in the end there were some miner mistakes but nothing that can't grow back. And always my favorite games and reading with gram the boys had such a great time playing and reading with all the grown ups they could get there hands on. Bryan's parents were here for the holidays so it made it very special time for our family. Well just some of what has been going on in our neck of the woods hope every one had a great Christmas and a happy
New Year to come.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This "My Life"

This is why we don't have a ton of furniture in our home because it would just get in the way of the indoor football games that my kids,husband and nephew enjoy so much. It brings great joy to them so I guess I can endure all sweat and running around that comes with indoor football. And as you can see Nathan has the upper hand in most of the plays.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Work Day!

I forgot to blog about this big day, We had some unruly trees to tame, We took about 8 feet off some trees in front of our house, I guess "I" would be a big word for me to us sense most of the pictures are of Bryan and the kids working hard, along with the Holt kids every one worked really hard to get the job done. We were so thankful to have the extra help. I think I should get some credit for the pics because some one has to stand back and make sure things are getting done right, My husband is a gracious man.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Foot Ball! Foot Ball! Foot Ball!

This was almost a catch for Dylan, he is loving his flag football team this is his 2nd year and he really shines. He loves being a part of the team going to practice 2 times a week and having his dad be the funnest coach, Bryan helps when he can and makes things so much fun for all of them. We are having so much fun watching our kids grow up I know it's not the most popular thing to say but there are days when part of me can't wait to see my kids all grown up into the men that God has made them just to see all the good things he has for them, makes me very excited. But I guess there are more days that I get sad that they are getting so big so quick As you can see Nathan is just biding his time till he can get out there and run a play or two, But
watch out who ever is on the other team because if you see him on the line AND I'm sure that's where he'll be LOOK OUT! We love that are kids are so different one quiet and soft spoken and one that you can hear from a mile away and is the life of the party, God is so good he has blessed us with the best kids anyone could ask for.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The end of summer, and the start to fall

  • Nathan's first day of school preschool that is, He calls it "high school" we think that is pretty funny. Every day he goes right for the sand box that's his favorite for right now.
  • And to give a little wrap up to the summer we had a great soccer camp at our church it's a great out reach for the kids in our community and it gives us a chance to talk about Jesus. To share what he has done for our lives and what he can do for them if they will receive the gift he has freely given. Not to mention all the fun we had learning new soccer skills. Bryan was a coach and Dylan was one of the little ones running and kicking the ball around.I was a coach for I think one day but found I have other strengths so I found other ways to be helpful.
  • And lastly we had one last BBQ for labor day it was fun with all the trimmings, like cooking hot dogs and roasting marshmallows. We are happy to say are summer was full of fun joyful times together , We are excited to see what the Lord will have for us this Fall.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Nap Time!

Just a quick photo of Nathan at nap time, This is my favorite time of the day not just that I get at least 3 good hours of quite but it's a time when I can curl up next to him and pray over him and just smell that little boy that God has blessed me with,All that energy that Nathan has it's nice to stop and enjoy him.