Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We had a big week last week.Bryan took time this weekend to fix our road ,We needed some new gravel on our road so with the dump truck and backhoe[we] he got it done. The kids I don't think came in side all day it's like having a real life Bob the builder for a dad.So I guess this is two post in one . We also enjoyed the Scheffer's pond on Thursday's they are so sweet to open it up to the church family ,The boys have a great time trying to find pollywogs I'm not sure if that's how you spell it but o-well I must say we are a little sad that summer is almost over but we have one more fun thing to look forward to our county fair starts this week, Then we will do some needed school shopping off island so that will be fun also . So the next post will be a wrap up to the summer .

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