Thursday, May 22, 2008

I am so proud of all these guys for giving up a small part of their over all look for some one very special. Elizabeth Daniels[AKA] Biz who is fighting cancer and going through chemo right now. She is one of gods gifts to are body at Islands community church. She is a beautiful 13 teen year old girl that is a true example to all that know her. I'm thankful for all the ways we can show her how much we love her.

Wow! that's a lot of grayish heads to look at. Well accept for Craig and Nathan Craig who has had a few years to work on his tan and Nathan who's mom said no way.

I'm really glad that mohawkes went out in the 80's.

Oh! there are no words for this one.

Brian Lambright. we like to call him Mr. smiley, what a great smile.

Kirk Holt. Were not so sure what the face is all about but he always makes us laugh.

David Allen [my brother in law]was the first one to go out with the old in with the new.

If you could only see how thick all that hair really was.

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