Saturday, April 19, 2008

There's a imposter among us

For the last few days we have had an imposter with us. About 5 days ago Nathan missed placed the love of his life Moosey! he has been with Nathan since he was 8 mouths old, So when he had to settle on this guy he lost it a little at nap time. Not to worry all the marker and the stress of being without Moosey has worn off and things are back to normal. Nathan said to me mama my dad found Moosey I love him!


Gail said...

Hi All, I just ran across your blog off of Brad's blog. It is great to see what you are up to. The boys are really growing up fast!

Gary and Margo said...

So glad the real Moosey is back, and that he still comes to the table for a meal once in a while!
Love Gram