Monday, April 28, 2008

Dylay's 8th birthday

We always love when one of our kids is one year older.
God has blessed us with great kids, and fun times like birthday party's. We all had a great time, family and friends make the day perfect. Nathan was so good about letting Dylan open his presents all by himself, that's always a task for us at our house. So all in all it was a great party another year under Dylan's belt.

Some of the high lights for Dylan's past year.
1. Dylan received the Lord as savior.
2. He has lost several teeth I think about 7.
3. He has aced 17 spelling test.

4. He's learned to swim thanks to his aunt Rea.
5. He's learning to trust and obey the Lord.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

There's a imposter among us

For the last few days we have had an imposter with us. About 5 days ago Nathan missed placed the love of his life Moosey! he has been with Nathan since he was 8 mouths old, So when he had to settle on this guy he lost it a little at nap time. Not to worry all the marker and the stress of being without Moosey has worn off and things are back to normal. Nathan said to me mama my dad found Moosey I love him!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Dylan's frist big league game

I know that I haven't had a lot to talk about we just needed some really cool things to happen . Dylan had his first big league game and as you can see he was taking things very seriously . The sun was shining and wind blowing OH! the great north west. He looks so cute in his uniform number #2 .We took a pretty big loss 1 to 14 couch took it really well and Dylan said "mom all that matters is that we did our best" I thank God for the small stuff.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

spring break

The finished product. A time to relax and enjoy one another
to sleep in and go to bed late to stay in our jammies till we just can't take it any more. And time to stop and listen to what the lord has for our family.

The boys love doing floor puzzles.

Bryan being the handy man.

Home improvement projects.
Bubble fun in the sun.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Lord's blessings.

My first born Dylan ,With his sweet smile and quiet spirit.
My husband Bryan look'en pretty darn good, Next to his brother Jeremy and Dylan at his little brothers wedding.
Grandparents that love spending time with their grandkids.

Nathan my second born.With his sweet face and loving smile he's anything but quiet,but we wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you Jesus for the gift's in my life.