Saturday, June 28, 2008


So when I think of summer I think of playing with my sister and friends all day, So to watch my boys outside enjoying the sun and each other it brings me right back to my child hood and all the fun that we had. I also think of summer weddings, Brayn's cousin just got married we had a great time and it's a perfect time to reflect on our own vowes to each other, Oh yes and to get those dressed up pics that I'm always looking to for. So all in all we are having a great start to our summer.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Why god gave us the best DAD! fun baths that always make us laugh . Time to go fishing , and best of all milkshakes for dinner great idea from the Daniels. We know there are lots of good dads out there but we got the best one we love you DAD!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

School Ends Summer Begins

Just some great pictures of the worlds cutes boys . Some of Dylan's hard work of his 2nd grade year. And art work of Nathan's. And oh yes Mr. funny man all dressed up or just looking real cool, Hope you all enjoy we do every day, what a blessing that god has given us to enjoy